Crack It!
Crack It!.iso
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Hold down ALT and type "UFO CHEAT" from the main interface, if you
mistype it or it doesn't work, hold down ALT and press any key other
than "U", then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the
cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.
Cancel cheat mode ALT + ESCAPE
Get one more of all equipment ALT + NUMPAD PLUS
Flip dimension ALT + 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Auto-save on / off ALT + A
Force Base mission ALT + B
Force UFOs to crash ALT + C
Dimension map cheat on / off ALT + D
Build base facilities cheat on / off ALT + F
Test alien dimension ALT + G
Get $100000 ALT + M
Show no. of aliens in buildings ALT + N
Finish project instantly on / off ALT + P
Allow all manufacture on / off ALT + Q
Allow all research on / off ALT + R
Force Overspawn ALT + S
Force apocalypse (terror) mission ALT + T
View all ufopaedia on /off ALT + V
Get one of each vehicle ALT + X
Show all people tube connections ALT + Z
Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version
Cause Fatal Error ALT + E
Do "TEST" routine ALT + SPACE
Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical
Hold down ALT and type "TAC CHEAT" if you mistype it or it doesn't
work, hold down ALT and press any key other than "T",
then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode
has been activated on the message bar.
Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical
Cancel cheat mode ALT + ESCAPE
Training mode on / off ALT + T
Hidden terrain on / off ALT + H
Hidden units on / off ALT + V
Kill all hostile units ALT + K
Invincibility on / off ALT + I
Weightlessness on / off ALT + W
Increase musical intensity ALT + F
Decrease musical intensity ALT + G
Animation viewer ALT + U (you must have unit selected + on screen,
exits, other keys given on screen)
Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version
Show frame counter ALT + R
Do "TEST" routine ALT + SPACE